Proven Step-By-Step Program by 42 Year Drumming Veteran, and Online Course Trailblazer, Reveals How You Too Can go from struggling along by yourself on Bodhrán TO BEING THE MUSICIAN THAT INSPIRES EVERYONE AROUND YOU. YOU'LL NEED A PAIR OF BINOCULARS TO LOOK BACK AT WHERE YOU STARTED TODAY. 👀

[KOTR] Platinum Level 2, 3 & 4 for Advanced Beginner, Intermediate and Advanced Intermediate drummers.
With Results Like These:

'Anything you want or need to know about playing the bodhrán at a high level is in KOTR.'
"Although having 4 decades of background with guitar, I was an absolute beginner on bodhrán when I started BEPM. BEPM fueled my desire to learn more about, and get better on, the bodhrán.
Anything you want or need to know about playing the bodhrán at a high level is in KOTR. You will not find a more comprehensive, cost effective package of fundamentals, exercises, instruction and tune transcriptions anywhere.And we can't forget about the supportive KOTR community.
It is a lot of material, sometimes to the point of being overwhelming (it didn't hurt that I was newly retired at the time) - but everyone learns at their own pace and there are various levels for each topic. Take what you can at the level you are at, and revisit the material in future as you progress - it is not a race and the material is there for future access.
On my first time through KOTR (and no, I did not complete everything at every speed).I felt I was exposed to every technique and component of modern bodhrán playing. I've since continued my studies with one-on-one instruction and have found very little that I did not previously have an introduction to through KOTR.
KOTR provided enough knowledge, playing ability, and confidence to go out and play with other musicians.
I joined in on a local session, and a few years later find I am a core member there, a core member at a 2nd session at a local pub, and a member of a 7 piece Irish trad band that plays seniors' homes, farmers' markets and the like.
I've had lots of support over the 8 years I have been playing bodhrán from lots of different people, but KOTR was an early key component that got me on my way."
- Randy Mavins
Age 64, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
Level: Absolute beginner start of BEPM - Advanced Beginner completion BEPM - Advanced beginner start of KOTR - Advanced Intermediate after 1st time through KOTR - Advanced now."
'Mickey has once again over-delivered on content!'
"I had a solid skill set before working through Keepers of the Rhythm but the learning never stops and I love Mickey's teaching style!
The program turned out to be even better than anticipated and that’s
saying something! Mickey has once again over-delivered on content.
The material is easy to follow and offers something for all levels.
I was particularly pleased with the progress I made with the odd time signatures, something I had previously avoided."
- Val Turner
Age 55, Nova Scotia, Canada,
Level: Somewhere between advanced intermediate and advanced.

What's NOT ❌ Working?
#1 - Going it alone is going nowhere
= No structure / No results
- Do you feel like you’ve ALREADY wasted so much time, money and energy trying to go it alone?
- When the tunes get flowing can you only think of a couple of the same old rhythms?
- Are you fed up getting nowhere fast and feel STUCK AT A DRUMMING PLAYING PLATEAU?
- Do you keep watching random YouTube videos (like you've been doing for years), waiting and hoping to just find ‘THE ONE’ video that will instantly make everything click, but now seeing that 'dabbling' is NOT WORKING?
- Did you want to learn how to drum for a special occasion?
- To surprise your son or daughter at their wedding?
- To play round the campfire with your musical cousins at your annual family get-together?
- To join a fiddling or piping friend at your local weekly session? - Or did you have a BIGGER GOAL - to be so EXCEPTIONAL at bodhrán that you get asked to record the drum tracks on an album of one of your favourite artists?
***This dream is currently coming true for several KOTR students.*** - Did your BIG MUSICAL DECLARATION get you all fired up and sound really good at the time, BUT YOU NEVER ACTUALLY FOLLOWED THROUGH WITH TAKING THE ACTION?
Strangely enough, even if you've had your drum for years, you're still no further ahead because you have no structure and YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT YOU DON'T KNOW!
#2 - Inconsistency & Start/Stop Motivation
= Dusty drum / No fun
- If you're like most of my students BEFORE they start working with me, then you probably feel frustrated, deflated and overwhelmed with all the information out there, right?
- Raise your hand 🖐️ if it’s been MONTHS since you last picked up your drum, if it's accumulating dust or if it would take more than five minutes to find which cupboard you stored it in.
- Were you filled with excitement when you started, but now there's an awkward silence (while you simultaneously try to come up with a bunch of excuses) when the friends and family who know you bought a bodhrán ask, 'So, how's the drumming going?’ 😬
Have you been telling yourself you'll follow your drumming urges, "Once . . .
- I retire
- My partner retires
- Kids go off to college / get married
- The summer's over
- A family member recovers from surgery
- Life calms down
- Everyone else around me has done all the things they want to do
#3 - Limiting Beliefs = Allowing Fear to get its CLAWS in
If you're thinking:
- Maybe I'm just too old for this.
- What if I'm just KIDDING MYSELF that I could be any good at this?
- What makes me think I'll actually finish this course when I haven't finished things in the past?
- It would be WAY EASIER to do NOTHING rather than take the risk and push myself outside my comfort zone.
THEN let's be HONEST:
- This opportunity SCARES YOU. It EXCITES YOU . . . but it also scares you.
- You know it will transcend you beyond where you currently are AND you know you'll need to do something you've never done.
- It is NORMAL for FEAR to just GET ITS CLAWS in.
- THAT is an INDICATION that it IS for you!
When we get confused between feeling really afraid to do
something (and I have terror barriers too) we tell ourselves, 'Oh, my gut is saying this doesn't feel good so I probably shouldn't do it.'
BUT that is a paradigm in disguise . . .
a little voice telling us a story that we freely buy into.
Because it makes the FEAR DISAPPEAR really quickly.
BUT if you're feeling that internal volcano of emotions . . .
THAT wouldn't happen if you didn't WANT it!
You wouldn't feel anything if it wasn't for you.
#4 - Putting your dreams off to 'Someday'
= Dying with your music still inside you
- If you're anything like me, you are more aware then ever that even just WAKING UP every day is a gift.
At the age of 48 I thought my husband was going to have to be my carer for the rest of my life after suffering a traumatic brain injury. I got to experience first-hand the mortal awareness that life is precious and shouldn't be squandered.
We often take life for granted, thinking we have all the time in the world, but LIFE IS NOW!
Either stop saying you'll do it someday and give yourself permission to let go of the dream or actually DO something to start bringing it to life today.
Please remove the word 'Someday' from your vocabulary. Putting our heart's desires off to 'Someday' is an excuse.
Let's face it . . . Someday is really code for 'NEVER'!
It's time to do the things YOU want to do.

After reading the above, how much of it applies to you?
Most people think the reason they're not getting BETTER at a musical instrument is because they're just not naturally talented at it, but THE TRUTH IS the real reason is they don't have a teacher they trust to guide them.
Now you know why GOING IT ALONE doesn't work, am I right?
And today, with all the courses and tools to learn, it's hard to keep up, let alone make any real progress. Especially when it seems like there's a million other things demanding your attention.
- The REAL CULPRIT is trying to make up your own lessons plans when you're NOT A BODHRÁN TEACHER!!!
- I get it. It can be so overwhelming and intimidating. Where do you start? What do you do?
- In a blink of an eye 👁️ it will be a year from now and you'll not only be at the same skill level you are today, but your playing will have most likely DETERIORATE from lack of proper practice tools.
- Not listening to this longing will possibly be one of the biggest REGRETS of your life.

. . . is NOT your typical online drumming course.
It feels so much like I'm right there in the room with you
that you'll talk back to me on the screen
(Yes, this actually happens).
IT'S A 12-Month Course
(I guide you with weekly emails for a year), but you get
Lifetime Access so you can go through it again and again,
levelling up every time.
It’s a Full Suite of Courses and a TRANSFORMATIVE PROCESS
Imagine it’s a MONTH FROM NOW, and
. . . instead of staying stuck in ANALYSIS PARALYSIS,
continuing to watch random YouTube videos (getting nowhere fast)
. . . you're following a program that allows you to
. . . you’ve already come so far (in just 30 days) you need a pair of binoculars to look back to where you started TODAY! 👀

Get your Ultimate Bodhrán learning library TODAY!
Go from struggling along by yourself to being the musician who INSPIRES everyone around you with
- Get the CONFIDENCE and Know-How to go out and play with a group.
- Master (and fall in love with) odd time signatures you may have been avoiding.
- Go from feeling nervous and intimidated to blossoming and full of joy - feeling comfortable jamming with really talented musicians.
- Generate better, clearer, more fun and productive practice in a shorter period of time.
- Smash the limiting belief that you're too old to learn.
- Progress at your own pace and have the course meet you exactly where you are at.
- Be in an inclusive and supportive learning community where you feel welcomed and not judged.
- Up your game and GO FROM being bored in not knowing how to expand your repertoire TO a whole new realm of drumming.
- Gain exposure to all the techniques and components of modern bodhrán playing you'll ever need.
- Learn from the comfort of your own home with a friendly, supportive and enthusiastic teacher with 42 years of drumming experience and a genuine passion for teaching - who has developed a method that takes all the guesswork out of learning.
Just like it's done for these KOTR'ers . . .

'The confidence needed to take my playing to the next level'
"I have been a student of Mickey's for about 6 years. Tried various YouTube videos by others but nothing stuck with me. I clicked on the 7 day challenge on YouTube and was HOOKED!
I signed up for BodhránExpert Platinum Level 1, it gave me the foundation I needed to thoroughly get to know my bodhrán and technique. Then I signed up for Keepers of the Rhythm Level 2, 3, and 4, this is where I continue to polish my technique, explore more music and gain the confidence needed to take my playing to the next level.
Mickey is a wonderful teacher. Her videos are easy to follow and many times I felt as if she was right there with me. The Facebook groups are a safe place where you can bring your questions to a group of people who are there to support you. I love being able to learn at my own pace and revisit a video over and over again when I need it.
Both BodhránExpert Platinum Membership and Keepers of the Rhythm programs are a PRICELESS RESOURCE to have at your fingertips.
Thank you Mickey for being a wonderful and supportive teacher."

'KOTR is, by far, the BEST CONTINUOUS COURSE on any instrument I have ever taken (and I’ve taken MANY).'
"Having only done beginner level on-line courses (BodhránExpert Platinum Membership Level 1 and other random You Tube videos), I wasn’t sure I’d be able to keep up.
I self-accelerated myself to KOTR before even completing the Platinum course, and took the two simultaneously.
I didn’t know what I didn’t know— I thought “reels and jigs—how hard can it be?” Then I was introduced to slip jigs, 7/8, 5/4 and all kinds of great sticking patterns beyond “the basics” and realized I was about to enter more in-depth experience. A NEW WORLD. Excited and accepting of challenge would be two good descriptors.
Sooooo relieved that lessons were broken down from basics to more advanced with ample time to acclimate with every increase in complexity or increase in speed.
The handouts/downloadable content is incredible and I reference it regularly. The on-line notation while hearing Mickey’s, “down, up, tap down…” on both pre-recorded lessons and Zoom calls is super helpful. Being able to then apply the lesson(s) to the playlists provided is awesome.
What is amazing is that not only does Mickey ask for feedback on a topic, “which notation works best for you on this rhythm?”, she reads students’ feedback and will literally change her pdf notes LIVE (or within minutes) to make sure the best and most teachable version is out there for her students.
She's veryinteractive and genuinely wants the learns to 'get it' but at no point makes the pressure of speed an issue.
The Zoom sessions where Mickey did 98% of the talking and then took questions were the best.
Finally, from the Platinum to KOTR different levels— this is, by far, the BEST continuous course on any instrument I havec ever taken (and I’ve taken MANY)."
Lynn Dezelon
Age 56, Ohio, USA Wisconsin,
Level: Intermediate
Are you ready to give yourself the gift of music so that JOY can overflow
into all other areas of your life?
At the point in your life where you don't want to TALK about doing things anymore,
you actually want to DO them???
You're in the right place.
All The Tools You Need To Build A Successful Drumming Practice
What if you could . . .
Save thousands of dollars $$$ with a PROVEN program that allows you to go at your own pace, but has the structure and guidance equivalent to private lessons,
where you get to download and keep the lessons forever so you can return and practice with them over, and over again.
Learn from the comfort of your own home with a friendly, supportive and enthusiastic teacher with 42 years of drumming experience.
You need a strong foundation . . .
To make practice productive so that your drum voice sings the way it’s meant to
and for rhythm to not just express itself through you, but beautifully through you.
To convert intentional ornamentation into natural expression.
To get your back hand to work innately on its own for tone.
For reverse sticking to go from the ‘Awkward ‘evil-twil’ to the secret weapon that 10X’s your progress.
You already KNOW you need to maintain smooth sticking during
private rudiment practice if you want your tipper to glide effortlessly in public.
This is NOT your typical online course.
It will feel so much like I'm right there in the room with you
that you'll talk back to me on the screen
(Yes, this actually happens).
Want to get your ‘beat back’
and feel like YOU again?
This course AWAKENS rhythms already INSIDE YOU, but have perhaps been hiding dormant.
I simply help bring the rhythms forth - out of their slumber and into your hands.
It is TRANSFORMATIONAL because it reminds you who you are and that connection with yourself feels amazing.
CONFIDENCE comes with COMPETENCE, and this course will give you that.

Proven Strategies, Real Life Results
Discover how everyday people (just like you) are
surpassing their own expectations (and that of others) and thriving in their drumming.
People like . . .

'I found a few online resources, some of them very good, but nothing as comprehensive and well structured as Mickey's KOTR course.'
I've attempted to learn to play bodhrán for a number of years, but became frustrated when real progress was limited by my technique. I found a few online resources, some of them very good, but nothing as comprehensive and well structured as Mickey's KOTR course.
By going back to basics and working through my technique issues with the KOTR course I found that things that seemed difficult before became, if not easy, then manageable developmental steps.
The course is enjoyable in so many ways and it feels like Mickey is an (extremely talented) friend who just popped round.
I have some current health issues curtailing my learning but can't wait to get back knowing that I'll pick it up again quickly with the help of the course materials.
Age 61, Livingston, Scotland, Level: Beginner
'He did “Not believe” it was me playing, l had to face-time him to prove it. In 4 days l had improved THAT MUCH!'

'He did “Not believe” it was me playing.
l had to face-time him to prove it.
In 4 days l had improved THAT MUCH! '
I have never played a musical instrument and it sounds strange, but l was really tentative l would fail to grasp the skill to play.
Mickey has created a user friendly, logical, simple method of learning that is inclusive, clear, non-judgemental and real.
She constantly provides tips to overcome the usual stumbling blocks and reassure you others have struggled too.
It is not an understatement to say l have gained confidence, became obsessed, and found true joy in playing the Bodhrán.
I played to my partner over the phone, he was still in the UK and l had to return to work in Australia. He did “Not believe” it was me playing. l had to face-time him to prove it. In 4 days l had improved THAT MUCH!
Thank you Mickey
Joanne Turton
Age 56, Perth, Western Australia, Level: Advanced Beginner

Who is Mickey Stewart...
The Chit Chat Version: A mom and wife to pipers, teacher, drummer [just like you]..., extreme optimist, avid learner, creative, goofball, gratitude geek, part-time princess, pretend detective, sign seeker, time-traveller, billboard model, someone who is a lover of Christmas, irregular time-signatures and keep dog treats in every jacket pocket (I don’t have a dog).
The "As Professional As I Get" Version:
- Drumming experience: 42 years
- Course Creator: BodhránExpert Platinum Membership - Level 1 & Keepers Of the Rhythm (Level 2, 3 & 4) with students from 40+ countries
- My YouTube videos are watched in every country in the world (with 2.4+ Million Views)
- 13 Time #1 International Best-Selling Author
- Coach to world-class musicians and dancers (including 4x Grammy Nominee)
- TV and Film Artist
- Former Bodhrán maker
- In the mid-90‘s I moved to Scotland to play snare with the Grade 1 Vale Of Atholl Pipe Band under Five-Time World Drum Corps Champion Jim King. During that time I recorded the album ‘Live ‘N Well’ with the Vale and performed throughout Scotland, England, Germany, Brittany, and the Czech Republic.
- I teach a variety of percussion, (pipe band snare, bass, tenor, drum kit and bodhrán) at schools in Perthshire, Scotland.
- Been running the drum programme at Ardvreck School since 2002, ran the Pipe Band Drumming programme at Morrison’s Academy for fourteen years and taught bodhrán at the prestigious Glenalmond College.
- Bodhrán Instructor at the Colaisde na Gàidhlig / The Gaelic College in Cape Breton for over 25 years.
- I have taught bodhrán to young, up and coming traditional musicians through the Royal Scottish Academy of Music and Drama’s YouthWorks Program (now the Royal Conservatoire Of Scotland) and students of from ages 4 to 94 at summer programmes of the Pacific Institute Of Piping and Celtic Performing Arts on Vancouver Island, Canada and at numerous music camps throughout the UK and North America.
- I believe teaching is my superpower with thousands of drum students having been through my classroom.

Let me show you what's inside
Keepers Of The Rhythm once you're a Member . . .
A Full SUITE Of Courses
KOTR had so much awesome content that I had to break it down into a SUITE OF COURSES.
You get the Original 'KOTR Mother Course' AND all of its modules as individual courses.
The first time going through KOTR you may just want to cover LEVEL 2 of each of the courses so you feel that sense of completion and then move on to LEVEL 3, and then LEVEL 4.
You will receive an email from me every week for 12 months - guiding you by the hand through all the material.
You CAN'T fall behind because you get

Sweet 7/8 Stage 1

The time signature you may have been avoiding, but will be surprisingly OBSESSED with!
Discover how to play the MOST POPULAR 7/8 count of 2+2+3 LIKE A PRO so you can instantly connect with our basic root rhythms and get perfectly set up for SUCCESS for future stages.
You will literally FEEL and HEAR your PROGRESS with each new lesson.
If you're thinking, 'I have no interest in playing 7/8 and can never see a time and place where I'll need it' . . . well, this module is especially for you.
Inside Module 1, You’ll Get:
- TWO Addictively Fun TUNES
- 74 Minutes of VIDEO lessons
- Detailed & Easy-to-Follow Accompanying PDF BOOK
- Sweet ⅞ PLAYLIST
With well over 100+ Rhythms and TEN tunes for this tune type inside KOTR I've broken this material down into NINE different Stages to make consuming, understanding and applying this material easy and addictively fun.
Don't just take my word for it. 👇

Check out what students say about Sweet ⅞ Stage #1 Module:

Uncovering Sweet 7/8
Stage 2

Uncover the secret to spicing up your new
FAVOURITE 7/8 rhythm by adding the UDU 'Triplets' to the basic count of 2+2+3.
Inside Module 2, You’ll Get:
- TWO MORE TUNES that you will have you doing a happy dance and confidence vibing.
- 111 Minutes of VIDEO Lessons with ON-SCREEN NOTATION
- Detailed and Easy-to-Follow Accompanying PDF BOOK
- Sweet ⅞ PLAYLIST
If you don't already play 7/8's, I promise you this will become your FAVOURITE freaky little time signature.
The KOTR Sweet 7/8 content included in this program is worth the entire registration on its own.
And I’m not even exaggerating.👇

Read what fellow classmates are saying about Sweet 7/8 Stage #2 Module:

I’m going to help you put together the RIGHT RHYTHMS you need to use to
Activating Cowbell Rhythms
in 6/8 Jig Time

How to activate patterns borrowed from some of the funkiest Afro-Latin Rhythms and transfer them into our trad music.
The EASIEST WAY to add your foot over syncopated patterns so that your brain doesn't melt out your ear.
Inside Module 3, You’ll Get:
- Two More Fun Tunes you will be OBSESSED with.
- 242 MINUTES of Video Lessons
- Detailed & Easy-to-Follow Accompanying PDF BOOK
- 6/8 Jig PLAYLIST
THIS WORKS! See what other have said while going through this one. 👇

Students talking about Cowbell Rhythms in 6/8 Module:

3/2 Slip Reels

This tune type is everywhere YET MOST PEOPLE AREN’T EVEN AWARE OF THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN THEM AND REGULAR REELS. These are super cool. You're going to love them.
(Note: You probably already play these, and don't even know it, but are not applying the appropriate patterns or phrasing).
Inside Module 4 You’ll Get:
- 175 MINUTES of VIDEO LESSONS with On-Screen Notation
- Detailed & Easy-to-Follow Accompanying Workbook PDF
- SLIP REEL Playlist
I told you you'll love them.👇

Fellow drummers are digging Slip Reels:

Salty & Sweet 7/8
Stage 3

ALL the SECRETS to understanding the
SNEAKY RHYTHM rhythm of 3+2+2 and its subdivisions.
- How to quickly change back and forth between counts
- Recognizing the 5+2 count
- Setting the metronome for various 7/8 counts
- Adding DTU and DDU 'Triplet' to 5+2
- Recognizing transitions in tunes
- Switching between 6/8 to 7/8
- Syncopation within 7/8
- Combining UDU and DUD 'Triplets'
- Double Down patterns
- Playing Three Over Four With Foot.
Inside Module 5 You’ll Get:
- 189 MINUTES of Video Lessons with ON-SCREEN NOTATION
- Detailed Accompanying PDF WORKBOOK
- Sweet ⅞ PLAYLIST

Fellow students are loving Sweet 7/8 Stage 3:

Which of These Results Inspire You the Most?

'Best part of the program - the JOY OF CREATING and ENJOYING MUSIC is always present for me while completing it!'
"This course is thorough and supportive, so I found that I quickly learned enough to enjoy playing the Bodhrán, especially along with videos of my favorite drummers and songs. However, I also had an interrupted experience with my course due to a migrainous stroke. During my rehabilitation, I came to appreciate the instruction platform even more because I could revisit and replay videos as often as needed. I was also able to modify replays by SLOWING SPEED or muting sound depending upon my needs of the day.
The thorough instruction in this program not only meant that I was able to learn an alternate hold for my tipper when my original technique was no longer manageable, but I was still able to enjoy drumming. Which brings me to the best part of the program, which is that the JOY OF CREATING and ENJOYING MUSIC is always present for me while completing it, even when I am just working alone in my office."
Stacey H.
Age: 58, Hershey, Pennsylvania, USA
Level: Intermediate

'People were also telling me that I was getting better!'
"Before joining the course I felt confused with all the different videos I found, I didn't feel like I was achieving anything with my playing.
What I found when I joined Keepers of the Rhythm, was that the course was structured and easy to follow and I could see how I was improving.
People were also telling me that I was getting better!
Mickey’s teaching is structured and EASY TO FOLLOW, there are also notes to follow on screen and as a download."
Kevin Poole
Age: 60, Rustington, UK
Level: Intermediate

'In KOTR I've improved on all that I hoped for.'
"I was a bodhrán beginner before KOTR. I wanted to improve my tipper and tone abilities and speed, and I hoped to learn how to play (and create) complex patterns appropriate to the music.
In KOTR I've improved on all that I hoped for. I'm a more competent and accomplished player.
I have better control of both my drumming hands, better RHYTHM CONTROL, much better TONALITY, and a more COMPREHENSIVE UNDERSTANDING of the various rhythms of celtic music.
All-in-all KOTR has carried me from bodhrán beginner into bodhrán musicianship. Now I feel confident enough to sit in on a session."
Cathy Curby
Age: 69, Fairbanks Alaska USA
Level: Intermediatee: 58, Vermont, USA
Level: Advanced Beginner

'Great teacher, nuff said!'
"Before KOTR I felt like I was useless at being able to jam along to any music, which was my big aim, but I can now jam along to most tunes-some easier than others. Great teacher, nuff said!"
Michael Hynes
Age: 60, Dundee, Scotland
Level: Intermediate

'THIS is different!'
"Very intimidated to play bodhrán as I’m a drummer who plays drum set and a little djembe/frame drum, but, THIS is different!
I love the sequences of the KOTR lessons. Mickey is a wonderful teacher and inspirational musician as well as guide so it felt very natural!
Lisa Carton
Age: 58, Vermont, USA
Level: Advanced Beginner

Mastering Your
Essential Paradiddles

The SINGLE, MOST IMPORTANT of the Essential Rudiments that EVERY drummer needs to master!
Inside Module 6 You’ll Get:
- 30+ Patterns
- 176 Minutes of Video Lessons with On-Screen Notation
- Detailed & Easy-to-Follow Accompanying PDF Workbook

Fellow KOTR students feeling the progression with Paradiddles:

5/4 & 10/8 Grooves

Most drum courses WON'T TELL YOU about these HYPNOTIZING time signatures.
Inside Module 7 You’ll Get:
- 46 Rhythms
- 136 Minutes of Video Lessons with On-Screen Notation
- Detailed Accompanying PDF Workbook
- 5/4 & 10/8 Playlist

KOTR students are loving 5/4 & 10/8 Grooves:

9/8 Slip Jigs

All about the coolest of all the jigs - 9/8 Slip Jigs
Inside Module 8 You’ll Get:
- 69 Rhythms
- Scores for FIVE super-fun tunes
- 119 Minutes of Video Lessons with On-Screen Notation
- Detailed & Easy-to-Follow Accompanying PDF Workbook
- 9/8 Slip Jig Playlist

What some students said about Slip Jigs:

You + Me + Keepers of the Rhythm course = everything you need
Maybe you've thought . . .
'I'll just keep watching YouTube videos and learn that way'
Or maybe . . .
'Once I have more time I'll take the course.'
Either way, if you've been saying those two things for years now and still no further ahead . . . well, tomorrow never comes, right?
That's why having a coach is so important.
I will message you every week for an entire year, guiding you through all the lessons.
It's important to weave breathing space into this journey, so we take a deep inhale and chill every 4th week during our IMPLEMENTATION WEEKS.
How you use this week is completely up to you.
Some students might choose to use this time to play 'catch-up' (even though you can't fall behind),
. . . while some of you might need to just take some down-time and let your subconscious mind connect the dots on its own.

Age: 68, UK
Level: Intermediate
"I felt optimistic as I had already signed up to Mickey's BodhránExpert Platinum Membership which I found to be an excellent resource and I have returned to it time after time over several years; I still use it alongside Keepers of the Rhythm (KOTR).
With KOTR my goals were to be able to develop the basic rhythms I had learned on Platinum, to increase my skills in speed, offbeat & tonal variations, and to learn new rhythms. One of my problems has been a lack of confidence when I am playing & a need to vary the rhythms.
KOTR offers new challenges and a fresh choice of diverse rhythms which I really welcome. Of necessity (family and life commitments) I am an inconsistent learner of the bodhrán. As with the Platinum course, I return to KOTR repeatedly (often dipping in and out without following a set structure) and will always find what I'm looking for. Plus there is a lot of new stuff to learn here which includes some notation and a variety of time signatures.
I find the sections 'Walking the Mama Dada...' difficult but I suspect it is a very good brain exercise, and so a good thing to do for that reason alone.
Mickey's pace and style of teaching are excellent, as is the quality of the videos. I cannot recommend KOTR highly enough as a learning resource for any bodhrán player. I still need to practice more consistently but my skills have improved and my CONFIDENCE is GROWING."

Rhythm Writer's Workshop

Want to feel empowered enough to start writing your own scores?
Whether you just want to transcribe a few bars of your favourite tune or a whole set - this course goes behind the scenes to show you how I do it.
Inside Module 9 You’ll Get:
4 1/2+ Hours of Video Lessons
Accompanying PDF Workbook
What other students said about our Rhythm Writers Workshop:

Double Down & Double Up 6/8 Jigs

Double Down & Double Up 6/8 Jigs
Want to feel empowered enough to start writing your own scores?
Whether you just want to transcribe a few bars of your favourite tune or a whole set - this course goes behind the scenes to show you how I do it.
Inside Module 10 You’ll Get:
- 21 Rhythms
- 115 Minutes of Video Lessons
- Accompanying PDF Workbook
- Double Down & Double Up 6/8 Jigs Playlist

Double Down & Double Up Reels

Double Down & Double Up Reels
Want to .
Inside Module 11 You’ll Get:
- 23 Rhythms
- 97 Minutes of Video Lessons
- TWO 'OFF-THE-CHARTS' FUN TUNES that will be your new favourites.
- Accompanying PDF Workbook
- Double Down & Double Up Reels Playlist
These Drummers DIDN'T WAIT until 'SOMEDAY' . . .

Michele Phillips
Age: 71, Canada
Level: Advanced Intermediate
I had the basics of drumming the common rhythms but wanted to “up” my game. I was getting bored, but wasn’t sure what I could do to expand my repertoire.
During and after KOTR, I totally blossomed being able to understand and play with tunes of different time signatures (3/2, 7/8, 11/8), to play more creative basic rhythms, to learn how to really listen and accompany specific tunes.
The course took me into a whole new realm of drumming and I’m still evolving.
The icing on the cake is that, in addition to playing in sessions, I get to play with some really talented musicians in a small band, Na Mara.

Jan O’Leary
Age: 75, Michigan U.S.A.
Level: Advanced Intermediate
Though I had been playing for a few years, it seemed that I had been wandering in my practice playing.
With KOTR definite goals were set. It was easier to practice and gain assurance in what you wanted to improve in. Tips always were available. A good bodhrán also helped.
Working together and listening to Mickey and students give advice on certain aspects always helped. Was nice to learn that others were having some of the same problems.
My drumming has improved and I don’t seem to waste time like I did before joining KOTR.
Better practice in shorter time period.

Alistair Ritchie
Age: 64, Biggar, Scotland
Level: Beginner
I joined after I was given a bodhrán as a birthday gift. I had absolutely no experience with such a thing. So I went looking for you online tutorials and found Keepers of the Rhythm.
I was so nervous of trying to learn a new instrument that I would always sweat profusely before I started a training session.
However I quickly became comfortable working with Mickey. Her lessons were always well explained and easy to follow.
I am now able to go to my local pub where we have a jam session every 2nd Friday, and join in with the other musicians.
Sweet 7/8 Stages 4 & 5

Here we CRACK THE CODE on the critical count of 2+3+2.
In this module we cover:
Stage 4: All about the 2+3+2 count:
- Alternating sticking
- Double downs
- UDU 'Triplets'
- Tonal options.
- Transition confidently between 2+3+2 and 3+4
- How to add the DDU 'Triplet' in 7/8
- How to set metronome for 2+3+2
- Notating Semi-Quavers/16th notes vs 'Triplets' -
Stage 5: All about adding the DDU 'Triplet' in 7/8
We can't skip this important count as some of your favourite Trad musicians love to mix and match the various 7/8 counts as if they were candy at the Pick 'N Mix. And you want to be able to play along with your most-loved tracks . . . Right?
House of 11/8
Where Balkin meets TRAD . . .
If you appreciate the music of the likes of Andy Irvine & Paul Brady (which you should) you'll understand the obsession top Trad musicians have for irregular time signatures weaved into their repertoires.
In this module we cover all the different counts and rhythms you'll need to figure out and play along with tunes in 11/8.
I would hate for you to miss out reaching the next-level playing. I feel obligated as a teacher to make sure you know these.
The 11/8 Playlist will open your eyes and ears to a whole new wonderful world. I admit, your brain might melt out your ears on first listen, but this course meets you where you're at and THIS is here for when you are READY FOR IT!

Sweet 7/8 Stages 6 & 7

Just when you thought YOU COULDN'T LOVE DRUMMING any more . . . you fall in love all over again when we introduce the DUD 'Triplets' and the BEST TUNE EVEr!
Inside Module 14, You’ll Get:
- A REALLY BIG 'Stretch' TUNE.
Filled with funky rhythm combos, quick time-signature changes, but I PROMISE you will love it so much that you'll feel like you're heart is going to burst from joy. - 122 Minutes of VIDEO Lessons with ON-SCREEN NOTATION
- Detailed and Easy-to-Follow Accompanying PDF BOOK
- Sweet ⅞ PLAYLIST
We also weave our well-loved DTU (double-end) 'Triplets' in at Stage 7.
The KOTR Sweet 7/8 content included in this program is worth the entire registration on its own.
Click the + below to check out how much FUN your KOTR classmates are having. ⬇️

What classmates are saying about Sweet 7/8 Stages 6 & 7:
Sweet 7/8 Stages 8 & 9
Straight Playing, Irregular Counts,
and Mixing & Matching 'Triplets' in 7/8
(Coming Soon)

Here's what people are saying:

'Easy decision to sign up for the KOTR.!'
"Being a rank beginner with Plats and enjoying the teaching experience of Video lessons accompanied by written back-up, Rhythm books and the like, the acceptance that we were not in a race, work to our own pace, the Lessons were not going anywhere.
You can always go back as many times as you wished. That they will be there for you when needed was a good foundation and if you could not match the drumming speed, well I believe there was a glass of wine quote?Easy decision to sign up for the KOTR.
Still going back over KOTR lessons and am pleased that my drumming speed is quietly increasing, Thoroughly enjoying the on-line Live lessons/meetings.
I need to be more disciplined in picking up the drum and having daily structured practice. BUT I am still enjoying the playing and still getting a buzz when I "get it" and it fits in with the selected music."
Dennis Irish
Age: Over 21, Wales
Level: Advanced Beginner

'Helped me improve my guitar and flute playing.'
"I was my husband's 24/7 caregiver when I signed up for Mickey's drum course. I looked forward to the weekly emails that kept me structured and focused.
The bodhrán lessons I am pretty sure also helped me improve my guitar and flute playing.
It was always a pleasure to click on any of Mickey's lessons. Always so very pleasant and cheerful and professional.
I am still picking up the bodhrán. It is such a great way to relax and get to know the feel of a tune."
Debra James Percival
Age: 64, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Level: Intermediate

'I feel that I am not being judged, but WELCOMED.'
"I wanted to feel more confident in my drumming and interact with those of like interest.
I haven’t always been faithful to practice, but when I do, I get a lot of enjoyment out of it, andfeel that I am not being judged, but WELCOMED."
Kurt Wilhelm
Age 69, Wisconsin, USA
Level: Beginner

'The program and Mickey have been pure joy.'
"I began KOTR hoping to grow my inner rhythm for flute playing.Drumming became a fun way to learn and internalize new rhythms and time signatures (who knew 7/8 could be so rich!).
I really enjoyed moving through all the exercises. I went at my pace and it really felt like the exercises met me exactly where I was at.
I learned to love playing the bodhrán and becoming more adept with each exercise. The program and Mickey have been pure joy. Thanks!"
Linda Pepin
Age: 71, California, USA
Level: Intermediate
How do I know if I'm ready?
Perfect for you if:
- You have already gone through, or currently going through, BodhránExpert Platinum Membership Level 1
- Or you would consider yourself to be either an Advanced Beginner, Intermediate or Advanced Intermediate drummer
- You find yourself paralyzed with not knowing what you should be doing each time you pick up your drum.
- You're getting nowhere fast trying to learn on your own and wish you had someone to guide you every step of the way
- You want to be able to follow a program at your own pace, but with the structure and guidance equivalent to private lessons
- You're ready to make a quantum leap in your playing with a friendly, supportive and enthusiastic teacher with 42 years of drumming experience.
- You're at the same SKILL LEVEL you were this time last year and going it alone is not working for you
- You know doing this for yourself - making your passion for music a priority - will flood joy all over other areas of your life
Not for you if:
- You're a raw beginner and have never even picked up a bodhrán (if so BEPM Platinum Level 1 would be perfect for you)
- You're an excuse maker
- You want to keep procrastinating so you'll be no further ahead this time next year
- You aren't willing to take advice and be coachable
- You can't invest in yourself and your success
- You want to be a great musician, but you're not willing to put in the effort.
- You're happy to keep believing Negative Nancy's lies in your head, telling you 'Other people are just naturally talented at it. It comes easy to them.'
- You don't even like music
“The cave you fear to enter holds the treasure you seek.”
- Joseph Campbell -
I've helped thousands of students get out of the 'bodhrán quicksand', and now it's your turn.
How do you know if you' have hit your bodhrán plateau?
Well, firstly, it does NOT feel good. Secondly, it doesn't feel like just being stuck where you are - it actually feels like SINKING - as if trapped in quicksand that is sucking you downwards.
That's why many people feel like when they're NOT growing, they're dying - because it's the OPPOSITE of growth.
Go ahead and test this theory for yourself.
All you have to do is NOT practice for a few weeks or months and then pick up your drum to play - your skill level will not be the same as the last time you played, it will actually be worse.
If we're not going after our goals, we're going backwards.
KEEPERS OF THE RHYTHM (Levels 2, 3 & 4) may not be cheap, but it shows you how to get the results you desire. It's not some £5-a-month membership program or a £47-a-year subscription.
It's a small investment in yourself that pays huge dividends in your future. One that will pay you back for the rest of your life by allowing you to express your talent and that JOY can overflow into all other areas of your life.
If every one of my 16,200 YouTube subscribers wanted private lessons with me, even if I scheduled them into my in-person teaching calendar OR into my Zoom calendar, with 30 One-Hour lessons a week, for 38 weeks of the year it would take me 14.2 YEARS to FIT THEM ALL IN. ---> And that's before any of them could have a SECOND private lesson with me.
I want to make learning bodhrán accessible to anyone who wants to learn from me. If my style of teaching resonates with you, then you probably already know you want me as your mentor.
Almost all lessons in KOTR are custom-edited with On-Screen notation for optimum learning, whereas in person private lessons are not typically set up to give you video recordings or super-detailed accompanying PDF's.
The value of each KOTR Module or Bonus represents £1/video minute and £1/page (Cover pages and Table of Contents pages were not included in this calculation).
BUT . . . it's not about the 72+ HOURS OF VIDEO inside the KOTR Vault or the HUNDREDS of pages of accompanying PDF's.
It's the transformation that frees you from the lone-wolf mindset that keeps you stuck and struggling. AND lets you see yourself as the musician you're meant to be and in turn will inspire everyone around you to follow their dreams.
If you weren't meant to be a drummer, you wouldn't have read this far.
“What you seek is seeking you.”
- Rumi
You could hire a teacher for anywhere from £33 - £60 an hour.
And if you really want to start getting results - you might even want 2-3 lessons a week . . . and chances are you might not see massive results in the first 90 days because that might not include videos and training materials to support you at home in between lessons.
It's easy to get stuck in analysis paralysis once left to your own devices.
At the LOWEST END - £33 once a week works out to £396 (12 hours) for three months and £2160 at the HIGHEST END of £60 three times a week (36 hours) over 90 days.
The real-world value of KEEPERS OF THE RHYTHM (Level 2, 3 & 4 and Lifetime Membership) is £4560, but the good news is you don't have to pay thousands of pounds.
In fact, you don't even need to pay HALF of that.
Heck, you don't even need to pay ONE-TENTH of that. This programme is only £22 a month for 12 months. Kind of a no-brainer, right?
I understand that you might not have the time and flexibility to schedule private lessons into your week all the while juggling a busy life.
OR the vacation time or cash for flights, AirBnB's, rental car, and all the other expenses involved in attending a full-week, in-person music camp.
This course is normally a £444 product, but because of the times that we're in, AND because I want to help as many people as possible, you can get ALL OF IT before 2024 for 12 monthly instalments of just £22.
Over the years I've watched so many people with genuine desires to be bodhrán players, BUT PROPERLY LEARNING IT never gets any further than just an idea in their head.
Which means, if you don't take action, you'll never know the potential waiting inside you eagerly awaiting to express itself.
It's for this reason that I want to make sure you get this programme - so I can help you realize your dreams even faster.
So tell me . . . are you in?

Register today to claim you MASSIVE DISCOUNT + exclusive bonuses!
Loooooooove a good Bonus Stack?
Yeah, me too.
You'll receive instant access to over £2200
Bonus #1:
The Learning Accelerator
VALUE: £64
Pre-Training Module
Here we connect the Two B's - the BRAIN and the BODY - to learn faster.
You'll get instant access to this pre-training as soon as you register.
- 49 Minutes of Video Lessons
- Accompanying PDF

Bonus #2:
Power Of Precision Practice
VALUE: £97
Pre-Training Module.
Rudimentary practices necessary to be a skilled percussionist.
- 72 Minutes of Video Lessons
- Accompanying PDF

Bonus #3:
2020 Live Class Bundle
VALUE: £1188
Group Coaching Classes from 2020
Covering topics such as:
- Mama Dadas
- Non-True 'Triplets'
- 7/8 Semi-Quavers
- 7/8 vs 7/4
- The Last Mile with Pipers
- Double End - Single End Triplet Comparison
- Banish Misfortune
- Stick Clicky Exercises
- Cowbell Jig Rhythms & Siblings
- Converting 6/8 Jig Into Reel Time
- Exploring Rim Shot Patterns
- Translucent Rhythms - Adding Semi-Quavers In Reel Time
- Four Types Of Triplets Used In 6/8 Jig Time
- 11/8, 12/8 & 13/8 Rhythms
- Aker's Reel
- Rhythm Writer's Workshop
- Converting 6/8 Jigs To Reels
- Superimposing A 6/8 Jig Rhythm Into 2/2 Reel Time
- Sweet 7/8 Stage 4 & Stage 5
- 'Stay Away From The Strathspey' (but here's a good one)
- 18+ Hours of Video Lessons
- Accompanying Booklets

Bonus #4:
2021 - 2023 Live Class Bundle
VALUE: £909
Group Coaching Classes from 2021-2023
- 14+ Hours of Video Lessons
- Accompanying Booklets


'She really cares about her students. '
"Grateful for Mickey. I found her on the internet when she first presented her online workshops. I could not find an instructor local to me. Her course work is thorough yet broken down in easy steps. She gave me great confidence in performability.
Over the course work, Mickey provided tips to make the pathway through the coursework enjoyable. In the beginning I was stuck on one rhythm but now I have many in my wheelhouse. She also introduces us to pertinent songs & musicians as we progressed. She hooked us up with other players (which is something not available in my area) over zoom live classes to broaden the experience.
Because of her, I LOVE playing my bodhrán.
I actually have 3 now! I think I have been playing for 10++ years.
Mickey graciously met with me when we visited in Scotland in 2015 & we jammed at an outside restaurant. It was a very special moment.
She really cares about her students. "
Mary Ann Sinclair
Age 73, USA, Level: Advanced Intermediate

"Had been told by other potential instructors that I was too old to learn. Had hoped that KOTR would provide the process for learning. Goal was to learn well enough to contribute to my friends' band playing Irish folk songs.
Still consider myself a beginner because I don't practice all year long. But
have achieved the goal of being a contributor to our friends' band and am enjoy it tremendously."
Tom O'Donoghue
Age 70, Chicago suburbs, Illinois, USA, Level: Advanced Beginner

So Now It's Time for You to Make ONE of Two Choices...
🚪DOOR #1:
Imagine . . . it’s a MONTH from now and you’ve come so far you need a pair of binoculars to look back to where you started TODAY!. 👀
Your mind is blown when all the guesswork is taken out of learning and you feel the difference in your playing each and every week
Knowing the clear, specific steps to take gives you confidence to keep connecting the dots each week.
Being guided every step of the way makes you feel understood and supported.
You aren't just making incremental progress - you're making QUANTUM LEAPS!
🚪DOOR #2:
- Imagine . . . It's a YEAR from now and you did NOTHING AND NOTHING CHANGED!
- Your drum is covered in dust (you could draw your name in it.)
- It gets awkward when the friends and family who know you bought a bodhrán ask, 'So, how's the drumming going?
- You keep watching random YouTube videos (like you've been doing for years).
- Strangely enough you're still no further ahead because you have no structure and YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT YOU DON'T KNOW!
Looking at ALL THAT CONTENT you're probably thinking . . .
This looks like too much . . .
I can't see me ever playing tunes in 7/8 in public . . .
I'm already overwhelmed just looking at it . . .
Would you prefer to buy a program that DIDN'T give you ALL the tools you needed?
WHAT'S more important?
. . . that EVERYTHING you need is included to meet you where you're at for each new level you achieve . . .
OR that you get only what you think you can handle today?
You want MORE progress, not less, right?
In CASE There's Anything I Missed,
Here are Some Commonly Asked Questions!
Have a pressing question you need answered before enrolling in Keepers Of The Rhythm?
Below is a list of the most common questions I’ve been asked.
Just click the + icon to read the answer.
If for some odd reason you don’t see your question, just reach out via email at [email protected] so I can assist you. Cool?
This sounds overwhelming, how much time will this course take to implement?
I am just getting started and don't have any drumming experience, is this still a good fit for me?
What makes the Members of KOTR and all the Testimonials I've Seen So Successful?
How long do I have to access this course?
What can I expect when I enroll in Keepers Of The Rhythm?
What if I start to doubt if I can do this or that I won't be able to keep up?
What if now isn't the right time? When are you launching again?

Register today to claim you MASSIVE DISCOUNT + exclusive bonuses!
The Drummer's Relief...
There once was a man who dreamed of becoming a great drummer. His heart beat with the rhythm of every tune he heard and he longed to be the one keeping time for the world. But as much as he tried, he just couldn't seem to get the hang of it.
His drumming was clumsy and uncoordinated, and no matter how much he practiced, he never seemed to improve.
This caused the man great emotional pain. He felt as though he was failing himself and everyone around him. He would sit alone in his room, drumming away on his bodhrán, the sounds echoing out into the empty night. But they were hollow, lifeless beats, lacking the passion and energy that he so desperately craved.
One day, the man stumbled upon a group of drummers who called themselves the Keepers Of The Rhythm. They were a mysterious group, known for their intense devotion to the art of drumming and their willingness to take on anyone who shared their passion.
The man was hesitant at first, but something about the Keepers drew him in. He watched as they played, their hands moving in perfect harmony, the sound of their drums filling the air like a thunderstorm. He felt a stirring in his soul, a longing to be a part of something greater than himself.
With trembling hands, he approached the leader of the Keepers and asked to join their ranks. The leader looked at him with keen eyes, assessing him for a moment before nodding her head.
"You have much to learn," she said. "But we can teach you. We can help you find the rhythm that beats within your heart."
And so the man began his training with the Keepers Of The Rhythm. At first, it was hard. His tipper fumbled over the drum skin, and he struggled to keep up with the others. But slowly, steadily, he began to improve. The Keepers taught him the secrets of rhythm, the hidden patterns that lay beneath the surface of every beat.
With each passing day, the man felt the weight of his emotional pain lifting from his shoulders. He no longer felt like a failure, but rather, like someone who was on the path to greatness. The sound of his drumming grew stronger and more confident, infused with the passion that he had always longed for.
And then, one day, the man found himself at the center of a circle of drummers, his hands moving in perfect harmony with theirs. The rhythm flowed through him like a river, and he felt a sense of belonging that he had never experienced before.
He looked around at the faces of the Keepers Of The Rhythm, and saw in them a reflection of himself. They were all different, with their own unique styles and personalities, but they were all united by a common love of drumming. And in that moment, the man knew that he had found his true home.
For the first time in a long time, he felt truly alive. The emotional pain of not having the skills to become a good drummer had been replaced by a sense of purpose and fulfillment. He was a Keeper Of The Rhythm, and nothing could ever take that away from him.
If you resonate with the drummer in this story . . . welcome HOME!